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Save and Load Reports

Save Your Reports for Future Reuse

Creating and saving a report is as simple as a few clicks. Generate your report, give it a meaningful name, and hit save! Your report will be stored, ready for access whenever you need it.

Make Changes

Open the saved report, make the necessary changes, and choose to either save it as a new report or overwrite the existing one. You can also discard any unintentional changes.

Share it with Others

Select the report you want and share with with different users or group to let others access it. They'll be able to view the report exactly as you intended, but rest assured, they won't be able to edit or delete your original report.

Manage Your Reports

Navigate to the dedicated "Saved Reports" page where you can conveniently manage, delete, share, or duplicate individual reports.

Dynamic Date Periods for Convenience

For added flexibility, we've introduced the option to save reports with "dynamic" date periods, such as “This week” or “This month”. When you load these reports, they'll always generate the latest data for the specified period, providing real-time insights to keep you informed and on track.

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