Working with Tags
Assign tags to worklogs
Users can select and assign one or multiple tags to worklogs when creating or editing them on every screen, where they can log or edit their work in Timetracker.
You can show or hide the tags selector field in the “⋮” menu. When creating or editing a worklog, you can search and select one or multiple tags that they want to assign to the worklog.
Only “Active” tags are selectable and assignable to worklogs.
The tag selector will display the recently used ten tags on the top. Every existing and active tag can be searched and can be assigned.
Viewing and Editing tags
Adding a new tag or removing an existing one from a worklog can be easily done in the tag field by selecting, or unselecting them.
In some cases, only a few will be displayed. In this case, a “tag” icon will be present on the field. Hovering this icon highlights other assigned tags.
Tags on the Timeline view
The tag selector is available on the Timeline view as a selectable field.
Tags on the Calendar view
Tags are also visible on the calendar worklog cards as well.
Tags on the Issue view
Tags are also visible on the Issue view Timetracker panel as a selectable column.