Tags Use Cases
Measure work type distribution in (software development) team
Tags: Development, Testing, Code review, Support
Helpful if you are: PO/PM, Scrum Master
Goal: Measure how many hours are logged to each SW dev work type for a feature or bugfix, and find where the most or least time is spent to identify problems or areas for improvement. See how much time takes to perform a specific type of work across projects or teams.
Another benefit: Track time only with tags, without the need of work description
Track overtime
Tags: Overtime
Helpful if you are: Users, Developer, PM/PO, etc.
Goal: Users can mark the work performed above the expected number of hours and track how much overtime has been logged.
Track different ad-hoc or more general but regularly occurring activity types.
Tags: Meeting, Research, Traveling, Lunch, Administration, Training, etc.
Helpful if you are: PO/PM, Scrum Master
Goal: Measure how many hours are logged to different ad-hoc or more general but regularly occurring activities, and we can separate it from others, for example, development work in the reports. Get an overview of how much time is spent on things that are not necessarily work-related or billable.
Measure how many hours logged for each customer
Tags: Customer1, Cusotmer2, etc..
Helpful if you are: PO/PM
Goal: Measure how many hours are logged for each customer and create reports of how much time they should be billed for.
Keep track of how much billable work has been logged to individual invoices.
Tags: InvoiceNumber1, InvoiceNumber2, etc..
Helpful if you are: PO/PM, CFO
Goal: Measure how many hours are logged to each invoice and create reports of how much time should be billed.
Mark time entries with non-standard billing rates or currencies so you know how to invoice them.
Tags: USD, HUF, etc..
Helpful if you are: PO/PM, CFO
Mark time entries you’ve invoiced with an invoiced tag so you don’t bill a client twice
Tags: Invoiced
Helpful if you are: PO/PM, CFO
Mark time entries that are billable or non-billable
Tags: Billable, non-billable
Helpful if you are: PO/PM, CFO
Measure efforts on different product components / product lines
Tags: integrations, backend, admin
Helpful if you are: PO/PM
Mesure efforts spent on different objectives (OKR)
Tags: objective 1, objective 2, “grow product stickiness” etc.
Helpful if you are: PO/PM