For all of the following procedures:
You must be a member of the configured group for Permission to use Reporting.
Timetracker provides a simple reporting options to help you analyze your team's work. Create detailed reports based on users/groups, filters and projects and view every work log related to the users and additional information about the projects and the issues. Reporting will show all work logs as a list.
You can select from the following report types:

Search criteria
Timetracker Reporting provides search criteria for users/groups, projects/filters, tags, billing and any other Issues, Issue properties, fields or custom fields.
You can search by users and/or groups to find all worklogs related to the selected user/group.
You can search by projects and/or filters.
You can search by tags.
You can search for billable or non-billable worklogs.
You can search by any Issues, Issue properties, fields or custom fields using the More Filters option up to ten selected parameters.
You can even use JQL expressions under the Mora Filters option. Note: Do not use "worklogAuthor" and "worklogDate" directly in JQL, instead use the User/Group and the Date pickers for specifying users and the date range.
You can add the start and end date of interval.
The search will take into account the start time and end time (calculated on the basis of the duration) of the work logs.

Grand Total Logged
You can see the total amount of time for the query in the bottom left corner of each reporting page.
This value is the sum of all logged times based on the results of the query.

Time format
You can select in what format you want to display time units (time spent, duration, remaining) in the generated reports:
Jira default (e.g. 4h 30m)
Decimal hours (e.g. 4.5)
Hours (e.g. 4.5h)
Days (e.g. 0.56d)
Weeks (e.g. 1.3w)
Months (e.g. 1.3mo)

Get report JQL
You can now get the JQL of generated reports, so that you can use them in your filters.