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More filter options for your reports!

Customize and filter your reports even more precisely according to your needs!

We're excited to introduce a more precise and customizable way to filter your reports!

This new filter allows you to choose from a variety of options, including Issues, Issue properties (such as status, priority, etc.), default fields, and custom fields. You can easily refine your reports without having to create a favorite filter for every scenario.

In addition to existing options (user/group, project/filter, tags, and billing), you can now select up to ten extra criteria, including a specialized "Non-working issues" filter. This gives you even more flexibility to generate the exact reports you need, tailored perfectly to your preferences.

mora filters.gif

We hope you'll find these updates useful and enjoyable. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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