To see the menu you must have 'Permission to use the Plugin' permission configured.
Jira menu items
After a successful installation of Timetracker you can reach Timetracker:
from the top navigation bar
from the user profile menu
Timetracker in-app menu
On the app's interface, users can see the following items:
Timeline - This item navigates you to the timeline (aka Daily work )page.
This item is only available with 'Permission to use Timetracker' permission configured.
Calendar - This item navigates you to the calendar page.
This item is only available with 'Permission to use Timetracker' permission configured.
Reports - This item navigates you to the reporting page.
This item is only available with 'Permission to use Reporting' permission configured.
Billing - This item navigates you to the default Billing options page.
Tags - This item navigates you to the Tags management page.
My Preferences - This will navigate to the user preferences page.
Admin Settings - This will be present only to the Jira Administrators and it will will navigate to the Timetracker Global Settings.