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2022.03.29. Incident - Timetracker Cloud was not available

Incident description

An invalid SQL statement was executed during the worklog synchronization process. This error was logged in a faulty way that caused an Out-Of-Memory error and an outage on our backend side.

Timeline (UTC)

2022.03.28. 23:30 - First monitoring alert received about the outage.
                  - The automatic recovery and restart process restarted the application several times.
2022.03.29. 05:30 - Investigation started by our technical staff.
2022.03.29. 08:30 - The problematic Atlassian client was identified and separated from our other clients.
                  - The Timetracker application was availble again.
2022.03.29. 10:00 - The Timetracker application was updated with the bugfix and was available again for all of our clients.


The clients couldn't use the Timetracker application in that time window.
There were no data loss during the outage.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.